当设计方面, 建设, 并且操作超出了公认的设计和施工规范或规范的嵌入式知识范围, an alternative approach is required. im体育APP提供基于断裂力学的工程关键评估(ECA),允许工程师证明结构或部件的安全性,并降低工程结构失效的可能性.

 From design to 建设 和操作, im体育APP applies engineering critical assessment techniques to a wide range of welded structures. Our fully integrated 和 advanced consultancy, 测试, 和 analysis services evaluate the defect tolerance for plastic collapse, 骨折, 以及管道等全焊接结构和部件中安全关键部件的疲劳损伤, 压力容器, 钻井平台, 平台, 和 风力涡轮机 which are exposed to various challenging environmental 和 operating conditions. 

By including further criteria in the evaluation, an ECA goes beyond the conventional 测试 of welded joints based on recognized st和ards. Among other things, the following are taken into account:

  • Properties of the defect (size, location, 和 orientation),
  • 发生的机械载荷包括所有循环载荷和静载荷以及环境条件(方向), 强度, temperature) around the flaw,
  • The material properties (toughness, tensile 强度) in the vicinity of the defect.

The overall consideration often results in higher defect tolerances than individual defects. This will reduce costs 和 time spent on unnecessary repairs 和 help prevent failures.


Engineering Critical Assessment applicable scenarios

im体育APP's fully integrated 和 advanced consultancy, 测试 和 analysis services support the following scenarios:

  • 确定焊接结构的缺陷验收标准,以证明结构可以安全运行的制造缺陷的临界尺寸.
  • 评估 结构调查 results 和 assess the severity of the detected flaws.
  • 评估 和 assess for detecting 和 sizing the flaw, which can jeopardize the integrity of a structure.
  • Assess the necessity of applying a Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) 在焊接截面上. 
  • 执行一个 失效分析 investigation 和 evaluate the plausibility of a failure scenario.


Our Engineering Critical Assessment services

im体育APP offers ECA analyses according to several internationally recognized codes 和 st和ards, 如BS7910, DNV-OS-F101, DNVGL-RP-F108, 及API 1104. 这包括:

  • Consultancy on 测试 requirements 和 analysis regimes,
  • 动态和准静态 骨折 mechanics 测试 和 analysis in ambient 和 simulated environmental conditions, e.g. 氢加载, 腐蚀性介质, or 制冷温度s, to a vast majority of internationally recognized codes 和 st和ards,
  • 材料在小尺度拉伸、全尺寸拉伸和时效处理中的力学处理; full-scale simulated pipe reeling,
  • Fatigue crack growth rate measurement 和 analysis,
  • Mechanical 测试 at elevated 和 制冷温度.


Fully integrated services for ECA

im体育APP’s multidisciplinary approach 和 expertise in materials engineering, 骨折 和 fatigue analysis, 应力分析, 和 无损检测检验 成功地根据各种国际公认的规范和标准交付工程关键评估. We combine our advanced materials 测试 facilities in the US, UK, 欧洲, 通过我们全面集成的ECA服务,帮助您在设计期间为所有项目制定最具成本效益的检查和维修计划, 安装, 和操作.  


ECA for offshore pipelines

In offshore pipeline welding, a critical engineering assessment can, 在理论上, relax the weld flaw acceptance criteria, although this is not always the case. 工程关键评估考虑到管道的安装和运行阶段, as the 安装 methods become more complex, 和 the operational conditions become more onerous, engineering critical assessment based Fitness For Service (FFS)  acceptance criteria can sometimes be more restrictive.




Through our in-depth data 和 analysis within an integrated service, we ensure more 可靠的 modeling of 安装 和 service conditions, 使您能够对采取最适当的补救措施作出明智和自信的决定. im体育APP's 从事专家 can tailor our material 测试, 定制的收购, 和 analysis routines to provide you with the highest quality data in the 能源 industry.

工程关键评估、测试和分析方法的创新一直是im体育APP持续发展的战略重点. 一个集成, 我们在测试和评估领域具有同等专业知识的设施提供的国际标准化服务为数据和分析准确性提供了好处, 交货速度快,同时增加了对工程结构整体完整性的信心.

For more information about our ECA services, or to request a quote 立即im体育APP.

BS 7910 is a widely used industry st和ard to facilitate the performance of ECA analyses. im体育APP在BS 7910的材料特性面板上有代表,并积极参与该标准的持续发展. BS 7910包含了对断裂材料进行ECA分析的全面理念, plastic collapse 和 cyclic fatigue growth. 所有用于这些评估的验证公式都包含在软件包Crackwise中. It is prudent to note that although validated, 这个软件是通用的,因此不能产生一个综合的方法来进行完整的ECA.

im体育APP提供综合服务,按照BS 7910中概述的各种ECA方法执行测试和分析.

DNV-OS-F101是一项广泛使用的im体育平台app下载标准,详细说明了在几种常用安装和操作条件下对海底管道系统进行ECA分析所需的ECA方法和测试制度. im体育APP提供综合服务,根据DNV-OS-0F101附录A中概述的各种ECA理念进行测试和分析.

DNVGL-RP-F108是一项广泛使用的im体育平台app下载标准,详细说明了执行ECA分析所需的方法和测试制度,用于评估海底管道和立管环焊缝在许多常用安装和操作条件下的缺陷. im体育APP提供综合服务,根据DNVGL-RP-F108中概述的各种ECA理念进行测试和分析.

im体育APP可以识别并执行相关测试,以启用API 1104附录A选项1和2 ECA分析. 这些方法通常用于受到有限疲劳损伤的固定线路装置. im体育APP还通过在几个im体育平台app下载领先的指导小组和委员会的参与,为全球公认的国际标准的持续发展做出了贡献.

FAQ: What is an Engineering Critical Assessment (ECA)



Webinar: How to utilize Engineering Critical Assessment within the 能源 industry

ECA在很多方面都有应用, including improving welding criteria or ensuring fitness-for-service for new or existing assets. But what is ECA, where can it apply, 和 what are the benefits? Our on-dem和 webinar provides answers.


Can an ECA mitigate the requirement of performing PWHT?

焊后热处理(PWHT)是一种消除焊缝残余应力,降低脆性断裂风险的方法. 本案例研究着眼于im体育APP的能源团队如何执行工程关键评估(ECA)以避免PWHT.


我们的团队超过9人,000 从事专家 in North America, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia 和 Africa are ready to help you.